Facilities Provided at Rocky Mount Family Medical Center in Rocky Mount, NC
Read on to find out the facilities provided by Dr. Allison Angott and her team at Rocky Mount Family Medical Center. For more information, contact us or request an appointment! We are conveniently located at 804 English Road, Suite 100 Rocky Mount, NC 27804.
Conveniently located near Nash UNC Health Care, Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount offers its patients a beautiful, modern facility with a spacious waiting area and a customer-friendly staff. Comprehensive radiology services, an on-site laboratory, modern technology and board-certified providers ensure that FMC patients receive the best in medical care.

Ancillary Services
- Complete Laboratory Services:
- Pap Smears
- Diabetic Screening
- Cholesterol Screening
- Thyroid Screening
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- Colon Cancer Screening
- HIV Screening
- Cardiopulmonary
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Cardiac Event Monitoring
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- 24- Hour Pulse Oximetry
- Respiratory Breathing Treatments
- Coagulaltion Clinic
- Coumadin Monitoring
- Radiology Services
- Digital Mammography Screening
- Bone Densitometry
- X-Rays
- Ultrasounds
Diabetic Services
- Educational Classes
- Diabetic Screening
- See our Diabetes Care Section
Employer Services
- DOT Physicals
- Drug Screening, Non-DOT Drug Collection
- Pre-Employment Physicals
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Wellness Presentations
- Workman Compensation Cases
- Urine Drug Screens
Family Services
- Adult Immunizations
- Allergy Shots
- Annual Physicals
- Childhood Immunizations
- Chronic Disease Care & Treatment
- Arthritis
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Limited Cardiac Care
- Respiratory (Asthma, COPD)
- Thyroid Disorders
- Illness Visits
- Skin Disorders (Rashes, Skin Lesions)
Men’s Health Care
- Colon Cancer Screening
- HIV Screening
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- STD Screening and Treatment
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Wellness Visits
- Adult Immunizations
Pediatric Services
- Asthma and Hay Fever
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Childhood Immunizations (including HPV Vaccine)
- Diagnostic/Illness Visits
- Hearing and Vision Screening
- Lead Screening
- Newborn Services
- Skin Problems (common rashes of childhood)
- School/Sports Physicals
- Well Child Checks
- Colonoscopy
- Joint Injections (Cortizone)
- Toe Nail Removal
- Pathology Services (including mole removal and cancer screening)
- Upper Endoscopy
- Vasectomy
Women’s Health Care
- Colon Cancer Screening
- HIV Screening
- STD Screening and Treatment
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Wellness Visits
- Adult Immunizations
- Laboratory
Known for their compassion and professionalism, Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount?s Laboratory is a fully accredited laboratory offering complete diagnostic in-house services. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation and is fully staffed with licensed personnel.
- Cardiopulmonary
The Cardiopulmonary Department offers a variety of testing including EKGs, heart monitor testing, continuous glucose monitoring, and pulmonary function.
- Coumadin Clinic
The Coagulation Clinic, established in January 2007, provides a non invasive, immediate finger stick Prothrombin Time result for patients on Coumadin Anticoagulation Therapy. Dosage requirements are addressed at the time of visit in order to reduce the bleeding risk of the medication and better promote compliance for patient safety.
- Radiology
The Radiology Department at Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount offers convenient on-site radiology services including ACR accredited and FDA certified screening mammography, bone densitometry and diagnostic radiography. Our technologists are registered with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and are certified with The International Society of Clinical Densitometry. Our technologists and state-of-the-art equipment ensure that our patients receive the best possible quality of care and imaging.
- Clinical Services Department
With over 100 years accumulative nursing experience, our Clinical Services Department provides excellence in nursing care with compassion and caring for the individual. Each doctor/nurse team strives to provide the best in Health Care and Customer Service for our patients while offering a variety of in-office services and procedures.
- Insurance Department
The Insurance Department of Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount has a staff of five full time employees with over 61 accumulative years of insurance experience. As a dedicated staff, 44 of those years have been in service to FMC. They take pride in their ability to provide outstanding customer service.
- Referrals Department
Our Referrals Team will work with you and your provider to schedule any additional tests or referrals that may be required for continued care. This team works with other provider offices and hospitals on a daily basis ? always striving to provide you with courteous and confidential service.
- Customer Service
The Customer Service Department was created in 2004 to ensure that Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount provided each patient with caring, compassionate service. This department, comprised of the Call Center, Check In and Check Out teams, Triage and New Patient Alcove, serves as a liaison between the clinical teams and the patients. With on-going customer service training, we strive to ensure that each patient?s needs are met with superior customer service.
- Medical Records/Information Systems
Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount uses a highly advanced information system to deliver medical care. We believe that information technology can save lives, improve efficiency and increase accuracy in our provision of health care. Our state-of-the-art electronic medical records systems help facilitate communication with patients, as well as other health care providers, and assist our physicians with the management of chronic disease. Our highly trained medical records staff uses this technology to quickly search, organize, and reproduce your medical records in a timely manner.
- Human Resources
The Human Resource Department of Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount is comprised of 2 full time employees, the Human Resource Manager and a Human Resource Assistant. This department is responsible for all recruiting, employee relations, benefits and compensation and company functions. This department prides itself on hiring the best and brightest employees who genuinely have a servant’s heart and strong customer service skills.
- Administrative
The Administration Department has the fiduciary responsibility of the practice. This department is in charge of processing payroll, accounts payable, cash and materials management, reporting and the budgeting function of the company. Comprised of a Director of Finance and one assistant, this department is additionally responsible for coordinating communication between providers and pharmaceutical companies.
- Finance Department
The Finance Department has the fiduciary responsibility of the practice. This department is in charge of processing payroll, accounts payable, cash and materials management, reporting and the budgeting function of the company. Comprised of a Finance Manager and one assistant, this department is additionally responsible for coordinating communication between providers and pharmaceutical companies.