Ancillary Services Provider in Rocky Mount, NC
When a primary care physician, nurse, or other healthcare professional is treating a patient, ancillary services are supporting or diagnostic measures that go hand in hand with their care. Ancillary services include, for instance: imaging examinations, such as CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and X-rays. Rocky Mount Family Medical Center is ready to help you manage your ancillary needs. Our services are delivered by knowledgeable and trustworthy Dr. Allison Angott and her team in Rocky Mount, NC. For more information, contact us or request an appointment! We are conveniently located at 804 English Road, Suite 100 Rocky Mount, NC 27804.

Table of Contents:
What Are Ancillary Services?
What Are the Types Of Ancillary Services In Healthcare?
Who Needs Ancillary Services?
Where Can I Find A Provider For Ancillary Services?
With doctors and other healthcare professionals becoming busier, and smaller medical practices having grown significantly larger in the last few decades, other types of medical and healthcare related services have evolved, providing crucial support by assisting physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers in the diagnosis and treatment of their patients. These services are known as ancillary services and are vital in allowing primary care physicians to operate effectively and efficiently.
Ancillary care is currently one of the fastest growing sectors of healthcare, providing cost-effective treatment alternatives for outpatient hospital and primary care services. Ancillary services refer to the wide range of healthcare diagnostic and support services that are provided to support the primary care physician and fall into three groups: diagnostic, therapeutic, and custodial.
Ancillary services are generally located in hospitals (e.g. a pharmacy), medical offices (such as when a physician runs a glucose test on a patient’s blood or analyses a urine sample) or free-standing diagnostic testing facilities. The latter have their own medical staff that can provide ancillary services similar to those provided in hospitals and medical offices.
Services that come under the umbrella of ancillary care fall into three categories:
• Diagnostic Services
• Therapeutic Services
• Custodial Services
Diagnostic Services
In most cases, diagnostic ancillary services are performed in hospitals in addition to, and in support of, the work of a primary physician. They include:
• Laboratory tests – bloodwork, urinalysis
• X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound
• Genetic testing
These services focus on providing information to doctors necessary for diagnosis and treatment.
Therapeutic Services
While diagnostic services are considered short-term services because they provide immediate information on a patient, therapeutic services focus more on the long-term health and well-being of the patient. They are often used as a follow-up treatment after a hospital stay and include:
• Rehabilitation
• Physical therapy
• Occupational therapy
• Language and speech therapy
• Psychotherapy
• Massage
• Chiropractic services
Custodial Services
Custodial services are the form of ancillary services that provide the longest-term care, supporting patients while keeping them as independent as possible. Custodial services provide solutions when in-home care is not sufficient. These include:
• Hospice care
• Nursing facilities
• Home healthcare
• Rehabilitation facilities
• Long-term acute care
• Custodial services are sometimes referred to as care-delivery services, as they also incorporate ambulance services and urgent care centers.
• A more complete list of ancillary services includes:
• Ambulance services
• Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) services
• Audiology services
• Behavioral health services (inpatient and outpatient)
• Cardiac monitoring
• Dialysis services
• Durable medical equipment (DME)
• Home health care services
• Home infusion therapy services
• Hospice care services
• Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services
• Inpatient and outpatient substance-abuse services
• Laboratory services
• Medical day care for adults and children
• Mobile diagnostic services
• Orthotics and prosthetics
• Personal care assistant services
• Private duty nursing
• Radiology/diagnostic imaging tests
• Skilled nursing services
• Sleep laboratory services
• Speech services
• Ventilator services
• Wound-care services
Since ancillary services are so wide-ranging, just about everyone is likely to need at least one of them at some time during their lifetime. As the list above illustrates, ancillary care covers many diagnostic and support services, so whether it’s a blood test, an X-ray, MRI, in-home care, emergency ambulance or long-term care – or one of the many others – there’s a good chance you will be taking advantage of one or more ancillary services.
At Rocky Mount Family Medical Center we are proud to offer ancillary services in Rocky Mount, NC. If you would like to know more about what we provide, contact us or request an appointment! We are conveniently located at 804 English Road, Suite 100 Rocky Mount, NC 27804. We serve patients from Rocky Mount NC, Nashville NC, Westry NC, Dortches NC, Red Oak NC, and Sharpsburg NC.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Ancillary Services
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Pediatric Care
▸ Family Care
▸ Men’s Health Care
▸ Women’s Health Care
▸ Employer Services
▸ Joint Injections (Cortisone)
▸ Laboratory Services
▸ Hypertension Treatment
▸ Vaccines and Immunizations
▸ Sports Physical Exam
▸ Flu Shots
▸ Dehydration Treatment
▸ Sunburn Treatment
▸ STD Testing
▸ DOT Physical Exam